Manufacturing and installation of steel structures

For building, industrial and infrastructure sectors.

Why Choose Us


We keep our promises and commitments

We are not making promises we cannot keep. We take a job only if we are sure that we can do the job. Because we believe a happy customer is our best advertising. We want them to keep coming back and to recommend us to others.


4000 m²

Production area


4x10 tons




Tons/year production capacity

Our capabilities

Production facilities

  • Production area 4000 m2,
    with 4x 10 tons cranes
  • Painting area 2500 m2, blasting chamber, closed drying chamber

Machines & Equipment

  • 12x ESAB welding machines
  • 2x sawing machines
  • 2x plasma/gas cutting machines
  • 1x bending machine
  • 1x blasting chamber
  • 4x painting guns

Production Capacity

  • Average production capacity is 400 tons per month
  • 7200 tons were produced in last three years

Quality Management

  • Management System — EN ISO 9001:2015; EN ISO 3834-2
  • Written Quality Policy — in accordance to EN ISO 9001:2015
  • CE–Marking — ZA 3.4 acc. to EN 1090-1:2009 + A1:2011
  • EN Standards for CE–mark the products — EN 1090-2:2018 + A1:2008


Welding Certificate 1526-CPR-1090. TÜV Eesti. 2020.0 01-WC

EC Certificate Factory Production Control (FPC) 1526-CPR-1090-1.0094. TÜV Eesti. 2020.001

Certificate Management system as per EN ISO 9001 : 2015

The Certification body of TÜV Eesti OÜ, EVS-EN ISO 3834-2:2006

EU60299 projekt
Algerest OÜ arenguplaan
01.09.2020 — 31.08.2023

Perioodil 01.09.2020 – 31.08.2023 Algerest OÜ osaleb EAS Arenguprogrammis.
Projekt EU60299 kogumaksumus on 936 702,00 eurot, millest EAS toetus 421 515,90 eurot.
Arenguplaani käigus arendatakse HOLOGRAM moodulmajade sortimenti, mis on innovaatilised, loodussõbralikud, autonoomsed, kergelt transporditavad ning paigaldatavad. Projekti oluline osa on ERP tarkvara loomine, mis tagab tarneahela optimaalset planeerimist, ning kodulehe/kliendikeskuse välja töötamine, mis võimaldab kliendil konstrueerida/disainida oma moodulmaja.